My son and his happy go lucky, usual smile! As he grabbed a little garden stick, something came alive inside him. His inner warrior came to life right before my eyes. He went around slaying all the dragons and saving all the princesses on our walk. It was nice to have brought my camera now that I am doing a 365 photo challenge! We have had our walks rained out the last few days after a particularly hot and dry summer, it's been a huge shift. The energy that my boy has now is a little overwhelming at times. How am I going to help him use it up when it's raining every day? I don't mind at all walking when it's wet out and we have pretty good rain gear. But when it's torrential downpour and windy blowing the rain in your face the whole time, I know my son won't be much for running around. And mamas, I have been meaning to ask some of you how do you keep the rain out of the boots? Both of our regular pair of rubber boots and our bogs have gotten rai...
Gretchen Fawn Photo and Snoqualmie Moms Support Collective, offering photography of families, capturing those treasured moments. We are also now offering Monthly Moms support meetings, essential oil education, pregnancy and postpartum help through one on one appointments and more. Follow our blog to keep up on all our happenings! You can reach us at or