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Boys and Trucks

The boys and their tonka trucks

 They sit together and consider in their wee minds the way the wheels spin. They don't know why, but it's drawing them together and their mama loves it! These small moments amidst the whirlwind of feeding them, cleaning them up, potty training, teaching them to be gentle and so much more that goes into my mothering day, make me so happy. It's a small glimpse of where they will be in a year or sooner. Playing together. Laughing, fighting, rough housing. How can I be the momma of two boys now after raising my three girls? It seems like a dream still after all these years of waiting and wanting another baby, now I have two! 
  Sure, I get overwhelmed, I get tired and I drink a lot of coffee, but often, I look down at the hair at the nape of their necks this curls up just slightly, and I sigh with the feeling of immense blessing. Of deep heart desires I never thought I would have gifted to me. Being a mom of older kids and grown kids also gives me the perspective that time will pass much faster than I am ready for. That these baby years are flying by and even thought I am so tired, I had better keep taking time to document those moments that I love now, because soon enough they will vanish into the air like vapor. Such is life.
  May I breathe in the moments I have with these boys for all our tomorrows together won't last forever. I often look back over my pictures of my girls- the ones I have printed in albums and wistfully remember their days of playing polly's and pet shops. Hours spent together in imagination. What sweet memories those are. ahhhhh to be a mom, theres nothing like it and as long as I have my coffee, I will push on!
More next time,
