Today my 8 yo daughter went out to the yard to jump on the trampoline. When she came back in she told me something she noticed. "The daddy bird scolds me and his voice is lower. When the mommy bird scolds me, it sounds higher." I thought that was an amazing observation! We are blessed today to have another sunny day. This makes three in a row I think! It's something we have been waiting for as this has been a gray drizzly spring here at the base of the Cascade Mountains. When I went out to take pictures of the baby juncos, my daughter found a lady bug too! First one of the year. She gathered it up and brought it inside and is putting it in a jar for a "pet" right now! AH Spring, almost summer, how we love thee! Enjoy~ Gretchen It's so amazing to see their little beaks. You can even see their tongues. I hope you aren't grossed out. Baby birds have huge, closed eyes and only the tiniest bit of feather down. They open up when they get the light on t...
Gretchen Fawn Photo and Snoqualmie Moms Support Collective, offering photography of families, capturing those treasured moments. We are also now offering Monthly Moms support meetings, essential oil education, pregnancy and postpartum help through one on one appointments and more. Follow our blog to keep up on all our happenings! You can reach us at or