I realized I have let my blog fall through the cracks. I have a great reason for this, I am expecting our 4th baby! I endured 4 months of morning sickness that I have to say, was pretty brutal, this summer. But it was all worth it! I currently have just weeks to go in my pregnancy. We are expecting a baby boy sometime at the end of January/ early February. We couldn't be more thrilled. And a little scared. Yes, we have done this three times before, but it's been nearly 10 years since our last baby. All three of our kiddos are girls too! Whoo hoo! A new adventure for Joe and I. Honestly, I feel more excited lately than nervous. I feel more prepared and grounded than ever before. We were very young when we started our family and it was a totally different time in our lives. Now, I dare say, we will be "old parents". It will be quite a contrast to being such "young parents".
I will have several months off of photography following the babies arrival. I am looking forward to our sweet family time together and Joe has 2 weeks to be home with us! YAY! I am looking forward to that sweet soft newborn head, to seeing what our boy looks like, to being done with pregnancy and labor, to have more energy again, to slowing down the pace of life a little and drinking in special moments, to the tenderness that comes with being a new mom again, to nursing (once we get through that tough beginning part), to cute little baby boy clothes. What else? I'm looking forward to photographing our little man. To capturing every sweet little expression, tiny fingers and toes, little noses, fuzzy heads......to using our ergo, strollers, carseats, cloth diapers, to hearing that little cry, to hopefully being a more relaxed momma this time and taking it all in stride. (No promises, lol!) To sharing all this with my big girls- ages 18, 14, and 9! They are going to have so many fun memories. I have a brother who was born when I was 13, so I know how wonderful it will be for them. I look forward to connecting with other moms of new babies. Play dates, bubble blowing, tickles, teaching another one to ride bikes, talk, eat, pray, play at the park.... the list never ends. (Don't worry, I am not forgetting all the sleepless nights, illness, diapers, temper tantrums etc etc. Having a baby is hard work, but after waiting on God for almost ten years, I can't help but count my blessing and I hope between the tiredness and inevitable feelings of "I can't do this" I will remember to look up and thank Him for this blessing every day!)
Our photography focus has been on Seniors and Families in the last year, I am wondering if having a baby may shift my photography as well as my heart? I can already imagine all the pictures of my baby boy and I can also imagine offering this to others. We will keep you posted! What a special time in life!!
Keep checking on the blog and facebook page to see our baby updates. I'll try as much as I can to keep more current. Life is precious, enjoy as many moments and blessings as you can each day!
Love, Gretchen