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Tips on planning for your wedding day and bridal shoot! (Guest Post)

I just read the most valuable information and I would feel terrible if I didn't share this list with all of you brides and grooms out there! Please take 5 minutes to read through and make notes for your planning. Each item is really simple (from making sure your friends put their clothes in the closet so your images look really good)  and helpful (plan to clean your house and store all your portraits props in one place 3-5 days before the wedding!)  CLICK HERE to read the rest of the story! Enjoy~Gretchen


Yasmin Sarai said…
That was a good post, thanks for sharing!
Rebecca Anne said…
What a good idea to do a guest post like that! :-)
Jenna Leigh said…
I spy reSTARt blog support! Cool!
Jamie Bodo said…
So nice of you to share!