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Gretchen Korf Portrait (Seattle, WA)

I just wanted to share with you a couple of my new portraits that were taken at the Quad at University of Washington. This is the perfect time of year to capture the flowering cherry blossom trees. They are a beautiful symbol of spring. I was able to wear the necklace that belonged to my Grandma Ruth who passed away last year around this time. I love how these turned out. A special thank you to Cheryl Ford Photography for taking them today! Take half an hour to stroll through UW soon, you won't regret it!


Anonymous said…
Ok seriously those trees in the last photo are KILLING..... me!! I want trees like that! : ) It's times like these that I think... should I really be living in North Dakota?? LOL
Wow, these images are gorgeous!!! I love the colors. Great work :)
Jenna Leigh said…
Super cute! Love those trees - wowza, wish I was close enough to go visit.
So great that you can incorporate your Grandma's necklace :)
Anna Gordon said…
You look beautiful! And those tress are AMAZING!
Rebecca Anne said…
Oh these turned out so good! Love them! You look beautiful!
So sorry to miss out on this day. I was so overwhelmed with work that I had to wrap up. You guys seem to all so much fun and I can't wait to see what you came up with!!! Such beautiful portraits of you.
Ashley L. said…
Pretty!! I love that you're wearing your grandma's necklace sweet! :)
Amy said…
Those trees....WOW!
cherry blossom! can't wait for it to bloom here!
lin said…
I've heard so many times of how beautiful the cherry season at University of Washington is. Definitely going to check it out this spring!