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Family vacation- Leavenworth, WA 2013

I knew we would need some family time so in December, I started looking for a place to stay. The first open weekend at the worldmark wasn't until March! We had previously come in the winter for years and had so much fun sledding and playing in the feet of snow. This time, all the snow is melted and the sun has been shining. What a blessing it's been. We have not done much of anything. Just relaxed, played games, walked around town and by the river and eaten. It's been perfect!! We are working on our video for our "about section", so keep your eyes open for that in the next month. Enjoy-Gretchen.


All look at your girls!!! You guys look so happy together!! Makes me miss being with all my sisters ;)
Vaughn Barry said…
Those are often the best times, just hanging out with the most important people, nice!
Whitney Lane said…
You guys always seem to be out having adventures!
Jete Devisser said…
Ahhh, on holidays doing nothing - couldn't think of anything better!