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About me {Snoqualmie, WA photographer}

I have been updating my website and blog and branding myself. No, I did not burn a mark into my flesh with a hot iron...It means choosing what you want to portray and then making your blog and web "storefront" reflect this. Do I want to be seen as serious or fun? Elegant or trendy? Modern or Vintage? What words would describe me? These are the kind of things I have been mulling over these last few months. Who would have thought this would be so hard? Growing is hard I suppose. You must clear away the "weeds", plow the "ground", choose and plant new "seeds", then you must cultivate that garden of your creativity. Taking time most days to consider all of this has been a great way to define myself. I'm not quite done, but as many of you know, ReSTARt with Jasmine Star has been an amazing catalyst for the last three months. Below are the images I have collected that represent me for my "Photo Safari" assignment. I have been challenged and inspired as I rub elbows with lots of other photographers and "talked" to so many more through Facebook. is where you can catch the last episode of ReSTARt with Jasmine Star this coming Wednesday from 9-4. It's completely free! As you watch, take a look for me. I have the red hair! The short one with red hair.
 Keep checking my website for updates as I add my new sections. The next one will the the about me page. I have twenty ideas, so once I get them streamlined, I'll get it posted. Is there anything you'd like to know about me?? Sound in and I'll include it.
 Enjoy~ Gretchen
