It's been two weeks and I still have not gotten my blog post about this. I think I have been on Facebook using all my time to like all the pages we have been sharing on the ReSTARt pages. I am on three! It's been my new hobby, liking pages. But let me get back to the reason I am blogging. ReSTARt! What is it you may be wondering? Well, I'll fill you all in on the details. I came in late to the game myself. One day, I get a email from my hubby, Joe. It's a forward from Creative Live studios here in Seattle, WA asking if you would like to be part of a studio audience for an upcoming show with Jasmine Star. I have a flexible schedule so I fill it out and think nothing more about it. A few weeks later, I get an email saying I have been chosen to be on the show! Then I start getting excited! Someone starts a facebook group for those of us in the audience and we get to know each other. It's only got about 20 or so people in it. Then one day I get up and ...
Gretchen Fawn Photo and Snoqualmie Moms Support Collective, offering photography of families, capturing those treasured moments. We are also now offering Monthly Moms support meetings, essential oil education, pregnancy and postpartum help through one on one appointments and more. Follow our blog to keep up on all our happenings! You can reach us at or