So many things to do now that homeschool is officially over. I am looking out my window at the canterbury bells blossoming, cherry trees growing and seeds finally starting to sprout. I am trying to just enjoy those things, but they get easily overshadowed by the weeds that I see need weeding, the grass that needs mowing and the shrubs that need pruning. I try to live in that place where some things push me to get motivated but don't take away joy, where I don't have to make it perfect, but I still enjoy it and where chores aren't the only things on my list. It's a major amount of work both in doing and not doing to achieve this. It's too easy to get fixated on the negative. I always remind myself and my kids that we have a choice to make about whether the proverbial cup is half empty or half full! Perspective. What helps you stay in the "zone"? I find sunshine, not pushing myself too early in the morning and laughing instead of getting mad help me. I also need to do things on occasion that bring inspiration and joy and other times, get to work and see the fruit of my labors!! Here's hoping you are enjoying the sunshine and your family today! Cheers! Gretchen
Gretchen Fawn Photo and Snoqualmie Moms Support Collective, offering photography of families, capturing those treasured moments. We are also now offering Monthly Moms support meetings, essential oil education, pregnancy and postpartum help through one on one appointments and more. Follow our blog to keep up on all our happenings! You can reach us at or