I got an email from a mom asking about senior pictures a few days ago. How much and when those are the basic questions. Well, if you live here in Snoqualmie and it's raining, that is not the best day. But I like to start thinking about them the spring or summer before the senior year. You really want to have them in time for the yearbook picture submission which is in early fall. Please do begin thinking and budgeting now. You will have soooo sooo many things you are thinking about and doing at the beginning of senior year. Last year I was called on a Sunday morning, "Is there any way you can shoot some senior pictures today? Our deadline is Monday! We can't find a photographer. We had a friend of a friend cancel on us who was going to do us a favor..." Yikes. That is not how you want to get your senior pictures done.
It would be much nicer to schedule in the spring or summer. Have a leisurely photo shoot where your kid looks amazing and then you get a week or two to look them over and decide what image would be the best in the yearbook. And speaking of yearbook, you really do want a professional image. Grab one and take a look at the images. What ones speak to you? Nice images are, well, really nice to have in the year book. Not only that but this session marks the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood.
We charge $150 for the session and you can see our website for the rest of the details. www. GretchenFawnPhotography.com ) also, take a look at our calendar to see when our schedule will work with yours! Blessings, Gretchen