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What speaks to you.....?

When considering what to blog about, I thought I'd share what speaks to me...and I hope you'll post what speaks to you. Wondering what that means? To me, it means, what inspires me, makes me feel connected, allows me to hear from the Spirit, encourages me....For me, the very first thing I need usually, is enough sleep. I find if I stay up too late, there's just no inspiration in me for the coming day. This is hard sometimes as I'm also a person who loves the quiet of the late night to get inspired and have some quiet hours. I have come to realize that the actual sleep I get is almost the most valuable thing to me. My body and brain don't work well with each other and with anyone else after a sleepless night. However, sometimes this is totally out of my control because of pain, specifically, neck and shoulder pain. This is something I have dealt with most of my adult life because of the car accidents I have been in. I am glad to report I have found a few things that help. One being chiropractic care on a regular basis. Another being, the way I eat.  I have found a vitamin with aloe and glucosamine that has really really really helped my overall pain and inflammation. Check out the vitamin here: OMNI. Ok, so those two are the basics. What else gets things going in an amazing way in my head? Often, I just need an afternoon of quiet. A time I can reflect, pray and think about where I am and where I want to be. This doesn't happen very often, but when it does, watch out, the floodgates of inspiration open!! I love to read the Bible, pinterest, late night conversations, a good coffee shop, a good chocolate, flowers, playing a fun game, seeing my seeds come up in the garden, eating that first warm cherry tomato, cleaning or reorganizing something, accomplishing a put off task, walking, going to the beach and the SUNSHINE! Here's a last thought, When I get to learn new things and laugh a lot with my family and friends, love comes in a fills my heart. It's such a gift. I think that's why vacation is so fun. Being together and taking pictures just because is so inspirational. I love it! So, what speaks to you? Post below. Enjoy~Gretchen


Jenn Gaudreau said…
Thanks for sharing, Gretchen! It is SO true about a good night of sleep being the first key to being open to inspiration and all of life's beauty.
Jamie Bodo said…
YES! HGTV, sunny warm weather (with a window open), a burning scented candle, everything organized and tidy around me always inspires me :)
Whitney Lane said…
I need to figure out how to get my seeds to come up in my garden!
Whitney Lane said…
I need to figure out how to get my seeds to come up in my garden! have to plant the correct seeds at the correct time. Right now you can plant lettuce, peas, spinach. To name a few. I am assuming your climate is like mine. Nothing that loves sun until it stays above freezing at night for like a month! Chard grows like a BOSS here too!
Alaina Bos said…
I second the chiropractic! It has changed my life!!!
Amanda said…
Definitely agree about Chiropractic and I also have to have my regular daily doses of coffee! LOL : )
Anonymous said…
Nothing like a good night rest to help out.
We are much alike. The only thing that's drastically different is hat I am a night owl. You may notice thatbim my iPhone (my Internet) during the wee hours of the morning which is after my driving shift. I love to laugh with friends too. Releases stress!
Rebecca Anne said…
Lovely post! :-) I definitely agree on the sleep aspect! Hubby can go on a few hours but I definitely cannot!
@Michele Hanks- I love to stay up late too, but I can't right now. Someday when my kids are grown!